


Weight bearing CT provides three-dimensional biomechanically accurate views of bone morphology, alignment and joint spaces. 

The American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society recommends standing (weight bearing) imaging, when possible, to get the most accurate assessment of the foot and the ankle. The indications for weight bearing CT are broader than the indications for a lower extremity study on a helical medical CT system. For example, weight bearing CT can be used to investigate rotational dynamics of the hindfoot.

Weight bearing CT is unencumbered by overlapping anatomy, and is shown to be more sensitive and accurate for detection of osteophytes and subchondral cysts than convencional fixed-flexion radiography.

The metal artifact reduction algorythm employs a high density detection filter, which enables more authentic reconstructions in the vicinity of metal hardware. The option to apply metal artifact reduction can be activated before the start of each scan.

LineUP is an extremity Cone Beam CT scanner that images the weight bearing lower extremities, hand and elbow.

Cone Beam CT technology captures the entire volume in a single 360-degree orbit. Traightforward kVp choices and fixed mA result in easy operation. High-contrast datasets provide ultra-fine trabecular detail.

High resolution 3D scans of the extremities permit specialists to assess osseous structures with precision & clarity.

Bilateral, true weight bearing CTscans allow physicians to assess biomechanical spatial relationships and alignment.


  • Self-shielded
  • Easy entry & positioning
  • 49" x 63" footprint
  • Straightforward kVp choices
  • Fixed mA
  • Less than 25 seconds per scan
  • 3D recontsructions
  • Multi-Planar Slices
  • DICOM/PACS compatibility
  • Ultra low dosage